From beginners to professional level!nYou can enjoy the game against "the strongest AI" for free!n"Online game" can also enjoy a lot of free stations!
■最強AIとの対戦・AIのレベルは、初心者からプロレベルまで・対局中、AIが形勢評価!・スマホの電池消費少ない!(負荷のかかる思考処理は外部サーバーで実施)■オンライン対戦・無料で何局でも楽しめます!■マイページから棋譜閲覧!・戦国武将から動物まで、お好みのアバター設定!※対局は10分切れ負け※AI戦は1日3局まで無料※AI戦では、サーバー上のコンピュータと対戦するため、対戦時はネットワーク接続可能な状態にしてください■Applivに掲載されました。■ Battle with the strongest AI· The level of AI is from beginner to professional level· During the game, AI evaluates morphology!· Small batteries consume less!(Thought processing with load is performed on external server)■ Online competition· You can enjoy any number of stations for free!■ Browsing game records from My Page!· From Sengoku warrior to animals, your favorite avatar setting!※ Losing the game for 10 minutes※ AI battle free up to 3 stations per day* In AI warfare, in order to fight with computers on the server, please make it possible to connect to the network at the time of fight■ It was published in Appliv.・対局開始時に音と振動を追加・細かな修正